UL94 flammability tester is preferred for determining the combustion properties of plastics and films by applying flame.
It is used in the classification of plastics. Additionally, different flame retardancy tests can be applied with special apparatus.
It can be controlled easily thanks to the touch panel.
HB (ASTM D 635, IEC 60695-11-10)
V-1,V-2,V-3 (ASTM D 3801, IEC 60695-11-10, IEC60695-11-2)
HBF,HF-1,HF-2 (ASTM D 4986, ISO 9772)
VTM-0,VTM-1,VTM-2 (ASTM D 4804, ISO 9773)
5VA or 5VB (ASTM D 5048 or IEC 60695-11-20)